Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pig Roast Easter

The pig roast is something I really look forward to each year. We have a great cinder block pit and we burn down hickory to coals before adding to the pit. I really think the process we use creates great tasting meat in a old school method. After doing this twice I can see why the legends of bbq had such a following. Working the pit is a art.

I bought a 60 lbs pig this year from Publix and I took the pig to the site on Saturday. Set-up the site with tents and clean the pit and start the fires. We also cleaned the Pig and Chicken and brined both of them over night. I used salt, sugar and Butt Rub for the brining Chicken and used salt,sugar, and my seasoning on the Pig.

We started the fire at 4:00 on Sunday morning and added Pig to the pit at 5:00 am on Sunday morning. Then I started fire for chicken and started dutch oven to cook biscuits and started a fire for sausage and bacon. What a great morning watching the sun come up on the horizon and smell of bacon in the air with hickory.

I had issues with the pig --the hind legs were bigger then the front and I had 70 degrees difference. So I had to burn the pig trying the keep temp right. I burnt the skin but the meat was fine. I pulled the pig at 2:00 and it never go to pulled pork temp.

See pictures on Facebook link

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