Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Easter Pig Roast

The family decided to have a Pig Roast for Easter. So, all of the men agreed to help me with setting up and cooking a whole pig for Easter. The woman got a little nervous about us cooking a whole pig for the first time with a large gathering of people and no other meat being available. Which sort of upset me--- they had didn't believe we could actually cook the pig properly. So, I agreed to smoke some chickens as well as the pig for Easter. This was a blast I used the the 3 guys from Miami setup. Web site:

I was able to order the pig from Publix's in McKays Mill. The Pig weighted about 60 lbs and needed a week to thaw out at the store. So, I order the pig three weeks in advance of Easter.

We didn't butterfly the head because no one was interested in that area of the hog ---I know some people really like the head.

The Pit really worked on roasting the pig. I didn't use the same method as the Cuban Guys on creating heat. I created coals from Hickory in another pit and added the hot coals to the pit and added apple, maple, and oak chunks to the fire to create a nice smoke.

Here is a picture of the pig after cooking

Pictures at the turn:

Here is what I learned about the pit the concrete cinder blocks will radiate heat and once they were warm they started pushing the heat into the middle of the pit and that is the reason the pig is darker on the middle section than the outside which was the location of the fire.


Unknown said...

looks good my wife and I are thinking about entering a backyard contest or two this summer I plan on going to 1 or 2 first to see how the run but it looks fun

Ken Wood said...

Mick - Glad to help help if I can. It is a blast....

Ken Wood said...

Mick - Glad to help help if I can. It is a blast....

Unknown said...

when is the next local bbq ya'll will be attending?

Ken Wood said...

Mick -

We will be set-up at the CMA fanfest BBQ contest on June 7 and 8th and Smyrna Sam Davis Home June 14 and 15. The CMA will probably be tough parking but Smyrna should be very easy to park.

Unknown said...

We will try to make the smyra bbq